MBA Decoder

One Year MBA Programs in USA

The One year MBA or the accelerated MBA programs in USA typically start from May/ June. These are super fast paced programs and as compared to the two year MBAs, they are more suited to those candidates who wish to accelerate their careers, without desiring drastic career changes. Moreover, while these programs allow for several […]

Cornell MBA Essays 2018-19

For the 2018-19 Cornell MBA Essays, applicants have to answer the career goals question along with two other questions. GOALS: To the best of your understanding today, please share your short and long term goals by completing the following sentences and answering the enclosed short answer question (250 words maximum): Immediately post-MBA, my goal is […]

How to Research Business Schools for Applying?

If you are just getting started with the MBA application process, this is a question that could be tormenting you like none other. Which b-schools should I apply to? How do I research business schools for  MBA applications?  If you have trawled any admissions related forums, you would already have picked up buzz words like […]

Class Profiles for Top B-Schools- Part 1

B-schools applications are just at the turn of the corner! Many of you applicants are making decisions about the b-schools where you will apply. For your convenience, we have compiled the stats of the latest incoming classes for the top B-schools. Viewing them all together will give you a fair chance to compare and decide. […]

Cornell Essay Analysis for 2014-15

Starting this year, Cornell has given you the option of prefilling your education and employment history and with your LinkedIn profile.  The other option of-course is uploading a neatly formatted resume.  A change in the traditional way of doing things, it does reaffirm our belief that in the following years, schools are going to increasingly take […]

Finance at B-schools- Which are the top programs?

One of the hottest streams for which students pick a b-school is Finance. Every b-school has a range of electives or concentrations in finance. Career options are plenty for the finance guys- investment banking, investment management, commercial banking, managerial finance, private equity, venture capital, the list goes on…. We have randomly picked out 3 b-schools […]

Cornell Essay Analysis : 2013-14

Essay #1 : “Who you are” We continue to ask the “chapter headings” essay because we really enjoy reading it and get great information about you that we cannot get anywhere else in the process, even the interview. You are the author for the book of Your Life Story. In 300 words or less please […]

Cornell Essay Analysis 2012-13

Cornell is out with its essay questions! This year, a lot of b-schools are changing their essays, quite in line with how the business environment is changing rapidly, the world over. In Director of Admissions and Financial Aid, Christine Sneva’s words, “We changed the direction of our questions this year to better understand your career […]

Cornell’s New Dean

Cornell University’s Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management has announced as its new dean Professor Soumitra Dutta, formerly INSEAD (Fontainebleau, France) business and technology professor and academic director of research centre for technology, innovation and new media. With this, Johnson becomes the first major business school in the United States to hire a dean […]